
Women in Adult and Vocational Education (WAVE) is the network of women involved in VET, adult and community education, and the broad field of work-related education and training.

We are a feminist organisation. Members connect with one another through local and national networks, through social media, through mutual support, sharing of and exploration of issues and ideas, and well researched advocacy. Our members come from the diverse group that makes up VET and adult education in Australia and overseas.

Three women sitting at a table

As a civil society organisation (CSO) WAVE recognises the need to and significance of engaging with relevant international and regional bodies as polices relating to gender and social inclusion, education and training and decent work are inter-linked from the global to the local through international agreements and knowledge sharing practices. This is strengthened by the commitment by all nations including Australia to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While WAVE acknowledges that all 17 SDGs are interlinked, we focus especially on SDGs 4 (Education & Training), 5 (Gender) & 8 (Decent Work).

WAVEs active engagement is mainly virtual - online consultations, meetings, surveys & input to global agreements), including through our affiliation with Women’s Major Group (WMG) and NGO CSW on a global level and ASPBAE and APCREM regionally. Engagement with UNEVOC and UNESCO regionally is also by virtual participation in relevant regional consultation and decision-making forums. Post COVID all share a common theme (as it is also here in Australia) - the need to transform education and training for more inclusive and sustainable societies, with lifelong learning (LLL) high on all agendas.


  • Provides a national network for women who work, study, and/or who have an interest in VET, adult education and work in its many forms
  • Provides advice, submissions and advocacy on behalf of members to decision makers
  • Promotes social justice and equity in and through organisations, policies and practices, including through presentations at relevant conferences
  • Strengthens links and builds areas of mutual co-operation with other like organisations - local, national and international
  • Undertakes research that will advance the interests of women in VET and adult education
  • Holds a regular conference/forum to highlight and discuss significant issues for women
  • Holds an AGM each year to elect the national and state/territory convenors
  • Publishes a newsletter several times a year and communicates with members through social media

WAVE state and territory representatives:

  • Establish local networks
  • Organise events
  • Advocate on behalf of members with relevant bodies
  • Speak on behalf of WAVE at conferences and other events
  • Are a critical part of the WAVE conversation
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